Thursday 19 April 2012

Week 6

Commercial Media

Commercial Media is everywhere- TV, Radio, Magazines- we are constantly being inundated.

CM  is a profit driven industry and allows advertisers to connect with audiences, it receives no money from the government and relies solely on ratings and advertisements. Often you find with cm, in order to keep demand high, news stories are over dramatised and sensationalised to draw people in (if it bleeds it leads)

CM is has three sectors; sponsored, subscription and subsidised.

Subscription media 

  •  pay-tv (Foxtel, Austar)
Sponsored media
  • Channels 7,9,10
Subsidised media
  • Govt funded ( funding to convert to digital television)
What is the role of Commercial Media in our society?

The commercial media must hold a social function, so that the public will accept and trust the advertiser, this will lead to more profit

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