Friday 13 April 2012


Lecture 1

First lecture of the year! how exciting! Not a lot of Journalism content was covered today, it was more of an introduction into the course and assistance with blackboard and all of that. However, Dr Bruce Redman made it very clear from the beginning of this course we were all journalists and inspired us to take action and develop an appetite for journalism.

Lecture 4

 Today's lecture was all about telling stories through photographs. Many elements must collaborate to produce the perfect image, including light/ exposure, angles, focus, framing and shutter speed among others. There are a lot more technicalities involved with capturing the perfect moment, other than pushing a button as i once believed! Furthermore, digital manipulation of images has progressed enormously in the last few years, which have allowed editors a massive amount of control over some of the elements aforementioned....however i believe natural always trumps enhanced!!!

The use of exposure, highlights the purpose and symbolism of the light from the lighthouse in this picture


Angles and Point of View, have been used effectively in this image to produce illusion


Can be used to bring attention to a specific part of the photo


fj                The picture above highlights the use of framing. The scenery is being framed by the cave

Shutter Speed

High speed photography, allows camera man to capture the perfect moment

    Lecture 5

    Today's lecture was a little bit different, due to the fact that it was all audio. The recording featured tutor Carmel Rooney, interviewing two men from ABC radio, Steve Austin and Richard Fidler. I loved having a lecture on radio because i was learning about it concurrently in MSTU1000, and it is becoming apparent that contrary to my isn't becoming redundant. Yay for radio!

   I loved listening to Fidler because he was so decisive in his opinions and sure of what he was saying unlike a lot of commercial radio hosts who blabber on about anything and everything. I found it interesting that he didn't cosier himself a journalist even though he works for the ABC, and Dr Redman encourages me, a mere first year, to advocate myself as a ironic.

   Austin pushed the importance of conveying real human emotion into radio rather than 24/7 barking down the microphone like a race horse commentator! All in all i found the lecture very interesting and enjoyable to follow

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