Thursday 19 April 2012


Public Media :)
 Today's lecture on public media taught us all how not to become sell outs!

So what is public media and what is it's role?

Scottish broadcaster Sir John Reith, believed that public media main aim should 'educate the masses', others believe the main aim should be to present information FOR the people that is not influenced by commercial parties.  I believe that public media's function is to counter balance the commercial media which is a profit driven industry, by broadcasting fair,balanced and objective media to the best of their ability.

Public media has certain public values which are highlighted by the  BBC as :
1. Embedding a 'public service ethos
2. Value for license fee money
3. 'Weighing public value against market impact'
4. Public consultation

We learnt that even though the ABC is funded by the 

After today's lectured, i feel encouraged to watch more PBS media because it is straightforward, investigative, informative and most importantly...untainted by commercial values.

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