Thursday 15 March 2012

Lecture 3

Today i attend a morning tea in Ashgrove with former Prime Minister John Howard being the special guest. As i ushered people to their seats and attempted to deflect Kate Jones' supporters, one of Mr Newman's body guards said to me ' Never become a journalist, they are the scum of the earth'. Hahhah what a classic.

It has been awesome being a part of the state campaign, because I've been offered a real insight into the ins and outs of not only politics, but the press. Ive learnt 4 important things.

1. Never stand between John Howard and a channel 7 reporter- you will be stepped on
2. Journalists are always where the action is ( this is what makes it so appealing!!!)
3.  Every journalist I've seen always has a pen...without fail.
4. A lot of people don't like journalists

This article is interesting as it is not set out in the 'reverse pyramid' which we learnt about in mondays lecture. Instead of providing the 'who, what, where, when' in the first sentence, the commencement of the article seems to give an explanation of the headline. After this, the article is a bit scattered. Firstly discussing Mr Howards presence, to slamming labor's smear campaign, to discussing the CMC debacle and policy. All in all its all sort of thrown together without a clear purpose.

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