Thursday 29 March 2012

Media Use

When: 20 minutes
What: Courier Mail
Check on the election
When: 10 minutes
Check flood inquiry progress
When: 60 minutes
What: Facebook
Where: Home
Why: Browsing, checking for updates

When: 45 minutes
What: Channel 9 news
Where: Home
Why: General Interest
How: Television

When: 120 minutes
What: Facebook
Where: Home
Why: Check on my friends
How: Laptop

When: 20 minutes
What: Sunday Mail
Where: Home
Why: Read columns, general interest
How: Hardcopy

When: 180 minutes
What: Facebook
Where: Home
Why: Check on my friends
How: Laptop

When: 20 minutes
What: Sydney Morning Herald
Where: Home
Why: General Interest
How: Hardcopy

When:  150 minutes
What: Facebook
Where: Home
Why: Check on my friends
How: Laptop
When: 60 minutes
What: Q&A
Where: Home
Why: Interest in Politics
How: Television
When: 60 minutes
Post into Q&A

When: 30 minutes
What: : Today Show
Where: Home
Why: Didn’t feel like reading the newspaper
How: Television

When: 60 minutes
What: Facebook
Where: Home
Why: Check on my friends
How: Laptop
When: 45 minutes
What: Channel 9 news
Where: Home
Why: General Interest
How: Television

When: 30 minutes
What: : Today Show
Where: Home
Why: Didn’t feel like reading the newspaper
How: Television

When: 60 minutes
What: Facebook
Where: Home
Why: Check on my friends
How: Laptop
When: 45 minutes
What: Channel 9 news
Where: Home
Why: General Interest
How: Television

When: 20 minutes
What: Sydney Morning Herald
Where: Home
Why: General Interest
How: Hardcopy

When: 120 minutes
What: Facebook
Where: Home
Why: Check on my friends
How: Laptop
When: 45 minutes
What: Channel 9 news
Where: Home
Why: General Interest
How: Television

When: 30 minutes
What: : Today Show
Where: Home
Why: Didn’t feel like reading the newspaper
How: Television

When: 80 minutes
What: Facebook
Where: Home
Why: Check on my friends
How: Laptop

When: 30 minutes
What: Facebook
Where: Home
Why: Post about election
How: Laptop

When: 15 minutes
What: Courier Mail
Where: Home
Why: election Interest
How: Hardcopy
When: 60 minutes
What: Facebook
Where: Home
Why: Post about election
How: Laptop
When: 45 minutes
What: Channel 7 news
Where: Home
Why: General Interest
How: Television
When: 180 minutes
What: Channel 7 news
Where: Election Party
Why: Special Election coverage
How: Television
When: 20 minutes
What: Sunday Mail
Where: Home
Why: Read columns, general interest, election outcomes
How: Hardcopy
When: 45 minutes
What: Channel 9 news
Where: Home
Why: General Interest
How: Television
When: 60 minutes
What: 60 minutes
Where: Home
Why: General Interest
How: Television
When: 180 minutes
What: Facebook
Where: Home
Why:  Check on my friends
How: Laptop

Media Use Analysis

Due to modern developments in technology, media can no longer be constrained to the limitations of ‘traditional media’ (Televisions, Newspapers, Radio etc.) Instead we are facing a new era where the majority of citizens, can access media anywhere anytime, from the bathroom to the bus. This means that the entire definition and conception of media as altered dramatically. My dossier aims to identify trends in my own media use and analyse similarities and differences in comparison to my peers.

 My Media Usage
The table below highlights how the majority of my time consuming media is ‘new media’ or social media aka Facebook. Although I spend a considerable amount of time on this mode of media I do not consider it my primary option to absorb information and news. Although my usage diary indicates that I spend most of my media time checking Facebook, my primary informer of current events is the newspaper, which I read nearly every morning.

720 minutes
115 minutes
1100 minutes
70 minutes

Where, and how I access my media
The most prominent and consistent trend in my media use is that most of my media was accessed at home, which I attribute mainly to the fact that I don’t own a smart phone. Many smart phone possessors use; Twitter, ITunes, Facebook, Tumblr, YouTube, Instagram, eBay, Flickr and numerous other applications on a daily basis. ‘Strategy Analytics predict that 67% of teens consume media on the go, by way of smart phone’ ( Social Media Club, 2012)

This statement is correlated by graph A, which illustrates how the vast majority of the Journalism cohort, actively use a smart phone.

The other important detail to note about those people who actively use smart phones is that they have access to a constant stream of media. 20 years ago, many citizens were receiving one injection of news a day, by television, radio or newspaper. According to the social media club, The 67% of teens who are consuming their media on the go, are consuming it at an average of 5-7 times an hour ( Social Media Club, 2012) The increase in, easy-to-use, fast, effective and accessible social media, in the last few years has meant that much of the news we are receiving is ‘soft news’.

Inter-modal News
As new media is becoming the more popular mode of media consumption, more traditional forms of media are incorporating newer modes into their sphere. This collaboration of old and new media, allows for more active involvement and engagement in the news. An example of this was on Monday the 19th. While I was watching Q&A, my role as a ‘viewer being informed’ shifter to a ‘viewer becoming engaged’, and offering opinion by contributing to twitter discussion, which is streamed live on the show. 

Expectantly this dossier has been successful in identifying, analyzing and explaining certain behaviors and trends that lie behind my own media use, and that of my peers.