Monday, 21 May 2012


Moy, P. (2000). Media Effects on Political and Social Trust. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly , 77 (4), 744-759.

Current Editor-in-Chief of Oxford Bibliographies Online, PH.D qualified, Professor of Communication and Adjunct Faculty in Political Science, Patricia Moy, offers a credible and informative investigation into how the media effects social and political trust. Moy highlights how over the last 20 years we have seen a ‘crisis of confidence’ with individuals expressing low levels of trust in government entities and other peoples. She uses data from the American National Election Study from 1996 in her study, to assess citizen’s level of trust in government and one another, and how trust is subjective in accordance with media usage. According to Moy, the general level of distrust stems from talk back radio, television and newspapers, constantly reporting negatively and controversially upon politians. The author believes that the rhetoric has the conceivable potential to delegitimize political authority.
Courier Mail. (2012, May 11). Retrieved from

This article, sourced from the online Courier Mail site, has no cited author, which detracts credibility from the source to an extent. The article reflects upon the Labor government’s recent budget surplus announcement, from a liberal perspective, privileging the opinions and accusations of their leader Tony Abbot, and silencing the voice of the government. Instead of presenting an article which explores both sides of the debate, this article is particularly one sided and contains immense bias. The article quotes Abbot saying, the "Government should protect the vulnerable, not to create more clients of the state but to foster more self-reliant citizens," This quotation, as Moy describes, creates a level of distrust in the public; ‘isn’t the government meant to protect the vulnerable?’ ‘Are they abusing power?’. The way in which the article is constructed (presenting one negative view) is one example of how negative publicity can act as a catalyst for citizen distrust in the government. Bearing this in mind, the Courier Mail is a commercial newspaper owned by Rupert Murdoch, which routinely means that it’s main concern is to produce newsworthy stories. Therefore articles are often sensationalised and profoundly negative to swell public concern in the government, and buy news to become ‘informed’ on the matter.

ABC. (2012, May 8). (Australian Network News) Retrieved from

ABC Radio National provides a verbal account on the 2012 Australian Budget. ABC is a not-for-profit network, which aims to produce factual, balanced, unexaggerated news stories.  Dissimilar to the other two texts, the ABC provides the audience with succinct information about the budget without victimizing, privileging or marginalizing any parties involved. The broadcast begins with the Australian treasurer Wayne Swan, providing a list of benefits of the surplus budget, then moves on to highlight the concerns some may have with the budget such as large cuts to International aid and the defense force. The broadcast positions viewers to make take an informed stance on the budget, whether to support it or not, but doesn’t suggest which view in more favorable. The transmission aired a particularly relevant quote by speaker Peter Slipper‘ it is unfortunate that trial by media, seems to have become the order of the day in this country’ (Slipper 2012). The quote highlights how influential the media can be upon public opinion in relation to politics.  This broadcasts emphasizes the differences between commercial media and public media in politics, how commercial media concerns itself with the production of newsworthy stories and the latter is dedicated to wholesome and informative publications.
Sloan, J. (2012, May 6). The Bolt Report. Channel Ten (A. Bolt, Interviewer)

Host Andrew Bolt, is associate editor of the Herald Sun, columnist, blogger, TV host and radio commentator who describes himself as "conservative" but rejects the label "right-wing" (Bolt, 2010). He is highly respected journalist and hosts his own show The Bolt Report on commercial station, channel 10. Bolt opens his show by highlighting several of Labour’s promise ‘backflips’ since 2007, from Rudd’s promise of 3 precent defence increases over a decade, to Gillard’s 2 billion defence cut only 3 years later, and highlights labours opinion change in one week from protecting Peter Slipper and Craig Thompson, claiming they were innocent, to suspension from the Labour party. Bolt’s aim in this segment is to illustrate Labour’s apparent ‘inability to keep a promise’. He does this through play on words such as ‘here comes the bribe’ and the ‘Fudget 2012’ and generalisations like ‘Gillard has run out of our trust and our money’ Judith Sloan supports Bolt by pointing out ‘tricks’ the government is using to return the budget to a surplus. By the conclusion of the segment the audience is left questioning the legitimacy of the government.


ABC. (2012, May 8). (Australian Network News) Retrieved from
Bolt, A. (2010, April 9). "If I were of the Right, I’d say so". . Herald Sun.
Courier Mail. (2012, May 11). Retrieved from
Moy, P. (2000). Media Effects on Political and Social Trust. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly , 77 (4), 744-759.
Sloan, J. (2012, May 6). The Bolt Report. (A. Bolt, Interviewer)

Monday, 14 May 2012

Oh no! the last thing we need is more bloody taxes and hand outs with zero incentive!


Wayne Swan's class war budget lifts Labor base vote in Newspoll